
Adverbs (Advérbios) - 30 Exercícios com gabarito

01. (EFOMM) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.
Is an autonomous ship a 'ship' in the eyes of the law?
Different defmitions of 'ship' appear in different statutes and conventions, and it has often fallen to judges to decide if a floating object is, or is not, a 'ship'. ______________ , none of the defmitions of'ship' requires that the floating object be manned, generally simply requiring that it be used or be capable of being used in navigation. Whether this is by remote control or fully autonomous would not appear to be a problem in terms of the legal definition of a 'ship'. It appears probable,________________ , that autonomous ships are likely to fali within the legal definition of 'ship' and so will have to comply with the relevant laws and conventions ______________ the laws themselves might require some modification.

(Abridged from SEAWAYS -The International Journal o f the Nautical Inslitute. Dec/2017).

a) Also / however / even so
b) Because / otherwise / anyhow
c) Moreover / instead / in addition
d) Hence / as well / in spite of
e) However / therefore / although

02. (IBFC) Os advérbios têm a mesma função em inglês e em português, ou seja, modificam um verbo, um adjetivo outro advérbio ou uma frase completa.
Com base nessas informações analise as sequências apresentadas a seguir.
I - Actively, quickly, easily, independently, carefully, poorly.
II - Above, below, here, there, near, far (from).
III - Today, yesterday, now, early, late, last next, soon, ago.
IV - Temporarily, shortly, indefinitely, permanently, forever.
V - Very, almost, extremely, greatly, partially, strongly, totally.
VI - Possibly, perhaps, maybe, almost, certainly, definitely.

Assinale a alternativa cuja correspondência entre os exemplos (acima) e os tipos ( abaixo) de advérbios está correta.
a) adverbs of manner, adverbs of place, adverbs of degree, adverbs of duration, adverbs of time, adverbs of probability
b) adverbs of manner, adverbs of place, adverbs of time, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of probability
c) adverbs of place, adverbs of manner, adverbs of time, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of probability
d) adverbs of manner, adverbs of probability, adverbs of time, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of place
e) adverbs of probability, adverbs of place, adverbs of time, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of manner

03. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da forma adjetiva destacada a seguir: 
Literally thousands of parts are used to make up even THE SMALLEST family saloon.
a) o menor
b) o maior
c) o pequeno
d) o grande
e) o amplo

04. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da expressão, em destaque, a seguir:
Você é a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que já conheci.
a) the more interesting
b) the interestinger
c) the most interesting
d) the much interesting
e) the best interesting

05. (PUCCAMP) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:
Mr. Smith: I’m sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe the candidate you sent us will not suit our purposes. We need somebody __________ than he.
Mr. Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss Cary. She’s definitely the __________ person in our group.
a) smarter – most intelligent
b) smart – intelligent
c) smartest – more intelligent
d) as smart – as intelligent
e) as smart – as intelligent as

06.  (PUCCAMP) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada a seguir: 
- “Did Jerry come to work yesterday?” 
- “Yes, he did. He arrived _________ than his colleagues, but worked the __________ so that he got as much done as the others.” 
- “Good. He’s a very responsible fellow.”
a) late – harder
b) later – hardest
c) earlier – hard
d) early – hardest
e) sooner – harder

07. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences:
I. Which city is the __________ from São Paulo?
II. My __________ brother works at Mackenzie.
III. Do you need any __________ data on that matter?
IV. Which is the __________ building in São Paulo?
V. Ribeirão Preto is the city that has the __________ problems with pollution in Brazil.
a) I. furthest; II. elder; III. more; IV. farthest; V. oldest
b) I. further; II. older; III. farther; IV. eldest; V. less
c) I. nearer; II. oldest; III. farthest; IV. longest; V. least
d) I. nearest; II. elder; III. furthest; IV. eldest; V. biggest
e) I. farthest; II. eldest; III. further; IV. oldest; V. fewest

08. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: 
The more time people spend at an exhibit, __________ they learn.
a) more
b) most
c) much
d) the more
e) the most

09. (EFOMM) ‘In London there are lots of streets with the same name and it’s very __________ if you are a tourist. Another problem is that it’s a huge place. We walked everywhere on our last trip and we were __________ at the end of each day. But it’s an __________ city, with so much to do.’
a) confused – exhaust – excited
b) confusing – exhausted – exciting
c) confuse – exhausting – exciting
d) confusing – exhaust – excited
e) confused – exhausted – excited

10. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: 
I firmly believe that the tougher the laws, __________ the criminal rate.
a) the lowest
b) lowest
c) the lower
d) lower
e) low

11. (COLÉGIO NAVAL) Read the sentences below.
I- I work hardly every day.
II- My classmates speak French very well.
III- Ana drives incredibly fast.
IV- Our father is a very carefully driver.
Choose the option according to the correct use of the adverbs and modifiers.
a) Only the sentences I, lll and IV are correct.
b) Only the sentences I and lll are correct.
c) Only the sentences II and lll are correct.
d) Only the sentences II, lll and IV are correct.
e) Only the sentences III and IV are correct.

12. (PUC) Fill in the blank of the following sentence correctly: The hole in front of his garage is becoming __________.
a) deep and deep
b) deeper and deeper
c) deep and deeper
d) deeper and deepest
e) deepest and deepest

13. (PUCPR) Choose the only correct alternative to complete the spaces:
I. The United States is not __________ as Brazil.
II. The Everest is __________ mountain in the world.
III. Chimpanzees are __________ than dogs.
IV. Aids is __________ disease of human being.
V. Mike Tyson is __________ as Evander Holyfield.
a) as beautiful – the higher – so intelligent – the bad – more strong 
b) more beautiful – the most high – as intelligent – the baddest – so strong 
c) so beautiful – the high – most intelligent – the badder – stronger 
d) so beautiful – the highest – more intelligent – the worst – as strong 
e) as beautiful – as highest – more intelligent – the worst – strongest

14. (FEI) Complete:
John is __________ than the other students in his classroom, but he is the __________.
a) younger –most intelligent
b) younger –more intelligent
c) more young – intelligentest
d) most young – more intelligent
e) more young – most intelligent

15. (MACKENZIE) Which one is correct?
a) More have they, more want them.
b) As more they have, as more they want.
c) More they have, more they want.
d) The more they have, the more they want.
e) Do more they have, do more they want.

16. (PUCRS) Which of the following words DOES NOT form the comparative the same way as friendly in friendlier?
a) high
b) healthy
c) sexy
d) costly
e) ugly

17. (UFPE) “The caveman had a much harder life” means that his life was:
a) much easier.
b) more dificult.
c) less dangerous.
d) just as thrilling.
e) not as hard as ours.

18.  (FATEC) Interactivity makes life __________, yet __________ and consumer-oriented. Plus, it’s turning the world into a teeny, homogenized global village and that is ultimately boring!
A alternativa que preenche correta e respectivamente os espaços em branco é:
a) more easier – hurrier
b) more easy – more hurried
c) easyer – hurrieder
d) easier – hurrieder
e) easier – more hurried

19.  (PUCMG) The capital expression in “The moment of discovery was NO LESS MAGICAL THAN the day in 1922” means that the moment:
a) was as magical as
b) was more magical
c) was less magical
d) wasn’t magical
e) was most magical

20. (MACKENZIE) Please turn off the lights. I have to develop this film and it’s __________ here.
a) bright enough
b) much bright
c) too bright
d) brighter
e) enough bright

21. (FATEC) O advérbio SO na frase “he did so efficiently and discreetly” pode ser substituído de forma adequada e sem prejuízo de significado por:
a) very.
b) too.
c) enough.
d) less.
e) a little.

22. (EFOMM) Which sequence completes the sentences correctly?
1. That man died________ he lived, fighting. 
2 .I wasn’t expecting ________ cold weather. 
3. Don’t use your plate ________ an ashtray. 
4. That’s John’s bike, unless I’m _________ mistaken. 
5. They’re _________ fools.
a) like - such - as - much - so
b) like - so - as - very - such
c) as - such - as - very much - such
d) as - so - as - very much - so
e) as - such - like - very - so

23. (FUVEST) Qual destas alternativas só contém expressões que indicam tempo?
a) suddenly, at the same moment, through, just in time.
b) just, suddenly, apparently, all her life.
c) just, after, all, then.
d) any more, apparently, at the same moment.
e) right now, all her life, at the same moment, then.

24. (UEL) In the text bellow, the word nearly means: After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of four infertile couples seeking medical assistance to have a child still go home to an empty crib. 
a) almost. 
b) hardly. 
c) close. 
d) far. 
e) over.

25. (FEI) Qual das palavras a seguir significa “brevemente”?
a) Now.
b) So.
c) Also.
d) However.
e) Soon.

26. (JFS) Which word is not an adverb? 
a) Wholly. 
b) Sadly. 
c) Weekly. 
d) Proudly. 
e) Earthly

27. (ITA) Marque a opção em que o item sublinhado NÃO é classificado como um advérbio.
a) She casually checked her reflection in the mirror, [...] 
b) “Fortunately I was the boss and I just said, [...] 
c) Finally, nothing else working, he scribbled on the adjacent wall which cord was which. 
d) She wasn’t just seeing the twitches of aging but the early fumes of the disease. 
e) She long suspected it would eventually find her. 

28.  (MACKENZIE) The same as “She little realizes how smart she looks” is:
a) How smart does she realize she looks.
b) How smart she looks she doesn’t realizes.
c) Little she realizes how smart she looks.
d) Does she realizes how smart she looks little.
e) Little does she realize how smart she looks

29. (IME) Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente.
Internships have value, _________ or not students are paid.
a) if
b) as long
c) whether
d) because
e) as

30. (ESCOLA NAVAL) Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?
The population must bear in mind that ____________ the UK has moved to a treatment phase for swine flu, it is important that people all over the world continue to do everything they can to stop the virus from spreading. (Adapted from http://nhs.uk) 
a) although
b) moreover
c) in spite of
d) however
e) In addition to


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